HPC basketball conditioning playbooK

The Basketball Conditioning Playbook is the go-to guide to building elite basketball fitness.

On the court & In the gym, learn the movements and drills to reach peak performance next season.

HPC performance nutrition EBOOK

Our Performance Nutrition guide covers the basics of all things carbohydrates, fats and protein, and targets for training and competition.

Feel confident that your nutrition is fueling your performance goals.

HPC Bodyweight tracker

Yesterday you were lighter, today you were heavier and you have no clue if tomorrow you’ll be getting any closer to your goal.

The HPC Bodyweight Tracker provides you with the simplest tracking tool to manage your weight loss or gain goals.

Download your free copy today.

broken athlete to league leader

case study

Learn how I went from a broken athlete spending weeks on the sideline to a league leader in 16 weeks.

A must-read case study for athletes rehabbing or returning to play after injury.